Sunday, September 23, 2012

This is me. . .

American, 28, single, white, middle class, professional job, smart, college educated, funny, snappy dress, witty conversationalist, good cook . . . fat. The fatness defines me, it is what everyone sees when we meet. It's unavoidable, it is what panhandlers heckle when I fail to pay attention to them. "Thanks a lot, fatty," they'll say. Its the elephant, literally, in the room.

Except . . . I don't feel fat. When I look in the mirror, I'm surprised to see my reflection. When did I turn into my Mom post four children? I don't even have children. What I do have is excess weight, and lots of it. But not enough to qualify for some TLC show, and when people make fun of the fatties, they generally refer to people heavier than I am  . . . at least, I think they do. But I definitely have 50-60 lbs to get to my goal weight, probably a little more.

There's a common misconception that all fatties are home-bound slobs eating cupcakes all day and eschewing all exercise. They have no social lives, no friends and no romantic lives. While I certainly expect no one to actually read my blog, I'm going to try to record a year of my life, trying to lose weight, trying to date, trying to get my life on track and become something better than my current self. Maybe I'll become famous, (unlikely) maybe I'll write one post and never post again (much more likely) but right now I'm filled with optimism that I will prevail.

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